Clear Wolf
Psychologist and Psychotherapist.
He is interested in problems related to the management of individual, family and organizational change. He carries out psychotherapeutic activities at the " Centro Studi Famiglia " studio of which he is President and training and supervision activities at schools, companies, private and public centers.
Technical Consultant and expert in family and minors' issues, Parental Coordinator and teacher in the CSF Parental Coordination Course and CSF Master, Head of the DSA team and school difficulties.
Former Professor of "Theory and Technique of Personality Tests" at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Specialist Professor of "Diagnosis and Treatment", professor at the Mitchell Institute specialty school.
Founding Member of the National Institute for Parental Coordination.

Psychologist, psychotherapist and psychodiagnostician
President of the Family Studies Center
Expert in the treatment of adults, couples and minors
Specialty school teacher
Board member and teacher Master in family conflict
Board member and teacher Master in Family Law
Teacher Parental Coordination Course Family Studies Center
Member of SPP (Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy)
Master in Child Abuse and Mistreatment CBM
Master in Advanced Psychodiagnostics AMRP
Master in short and strategic interventions
ARP Focused Interventions
Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in theory and techniques of tests
Technical Consultant of the Party
Expert in legal psychology
Senior Parent Coordinator